Thursday, 11 October 2012

Running Order

Vox pops of people saying whether they could or could not live without milk. The audience not knowing the question
20 secs
Opening titles
10  secs
360 panning shot milk changing each time (green to blue top etc)
10 secs
History of milk, statistics of most popular milk, where it can be bought, where it came from, what it's used for
2 mins
Cut aways of cows in the dairy farm
10 secs
Interview with dairy farmer questions such as ‘How is milk produced?’, ‘how long does it take you to produce 4 pints of milk?’, ‘Do you think you are making enough profit now that shops are selling milks cheaper?’  
5 mins  (split it up cut down to 1 minute roughly)
Cut aways of places to buy milk during interview        
10 secs
Interview with Milk depot
1 min
Vox pops of people saying whether they do or do not like milk.
20 secs
Interview with someone who does not like milk.
30 secs
Interview with psychologists about phobias
10 secs
Interview with someone who has a phobia of milk
1 min
Why big chain supermarkets are putting farmers out of business (link to farmers interview /interview supermarket employee)
3 mins
Cut aways of the milk in supermarkets (prices) /cross cutting of different supermarkets
30 secs
Talk about different types of milk (almond, goat, soy milk) why do they need different kinds of milk
40 secs
Interview lactose intolerant / vegans etc
2 mins
History behind milkshakes and different types
1 min
Interview with someone who likes chocolate milkshake and why?
20 secs
Archive material – Dairy Milk advert
30 secs
Interview with a Cadbury worker (how much milk do you use from making chocolate)
1 min
Cut away of panning shot of chocolate bars
20 secs
Vox pops of people’s favourite chocolate
20 secs
Cut aways of milkshakes panning shot
20 secs
Ends on child drinking milkshake link to breast feeding?
30 secs
Interview with lady from maternity clinic ~ why should people breast feed their children? (Why it’s a good thing)
3 mins
Mini interview with someone who does believe in breast feeding
30 secs
Mini interview with someone who doesn’t believe in breast feeding
30 secs
Vox pops on whether they think public breast feeding is appropriate
1 min
Archive material of child drinking milk advert
50 secs
Cut away of milk man driving away
10 secs
Interview with someone who buys milk off the milkman
1 min
Interview with milkman (losing profit/ enough business?)
2 mins
Archive material of yoghurt advert
30 secs
Archive material from internet (dairy farmers attack supermarkets)
15 secs
Conclusion of documentary
25 secs
Montage of people drinking milk/milkshake (with voiceover)
10 secs

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